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Glendermott Primary School, Derry

Weekly update

7th May 2020

An early message this week as Friday was scheduled to be a Bank Holiday, teaching staff are taking a well earned break, and we hope that the children and their families enjoy the long weekend.  

We love seeing the pictures coming in during the week, we're so proud of how the children and their families have adapted to home learning, we appreciate it isn't easy and we want to reassure you that we are here to support you.

We are all awaiting news on whether the Executive will issue a continuation of lockdown or if things change, but all we can do at the minute is sit tight and keeping following the current advice. 

Keep working hard and try to use this time to create positive memories with your families. 

During May we pray to Mary for her guidance and support through these times, it was lovely to see some of the brilliant prayers created by our P4 children this week.

Take care and keep safe!