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Glendermott Primary School, Derry

Year 1

Welcome to Primary 1

Primary 1 is always full of fun with new exciting topics to learn about. We still get to play like we did in the nursery but now we help our teacher decide what way we should be playing and learning.

As we are now big P.1's we will begin the exciting journey of reading, writing and learning all about our numbers, as well as learning about the amazing world we live in.

Our School Day

            9:00am              School Starts

            10:30am            Break

            11.45am             Lunch

            2pm                    Home time /Busy Bees Club

            2.45pm               Bus


Homework will start when children begin learning their phonic sounds. 

  • Homework in Primary 1 is given home on a Monday and taken back to school on a Friday.
  • Reading and Key Words should be completed every day and always be brought to school.


Literacy We are following the Jolly phonics programme, focusing on initial sounds and eventually leading to blending and segmenting words, which is us beginning to read. We focus on our high frequency words which help us in learning how to read. We also become budding writers, and learn all the skills about how to form letters and eventually sentences correctly.

Numeracy We will be learning all about our numbers this year. Learning how to write them, understanding what they are and how we use them. We will also be focusing on  Data Handling, Measures and Shape and Space. We love solving problems in numeracy, we also use lots of Interactive equipment such as iPad's, laptops and the interactive white board to play number games.

World Around Us There are some exciting topics we can look forward to studying this year, such as myself, night time and fairytales. These topics will mean there will be lots to keep us busy and lots of cross curricular links to enjoy.

Personal Development and Mutual Understanding We all love PDMU because we get to explore our personal and emotional development, health and safety, relationships with others, and how we can all work together for the good of our community. We are able to discuss all our hopes and fears in a safe environment during Circle Time and we can also have fun in doing so! 

Physical Eduction We do a range of classes and ativites during our P.E. lessons. We have a great relationship with the local GAA coaches who come into school once a week to do a lesson on gaelic which the children love. We also do a range of different movements, dance and games to keep us fit and healthy. We will have PE on a Tuesday and Friday. Children will wear their PE gear into school on these days. 

The Arts In Primary 1 we are exposed to lots of wonderful opportunities to be creative. We create lots of amazing creations during our play based learning. We love to learn songs where we get to play instruments. We also have Musical Pathways on a Tuesday.

Religion We will be following the Grow in Love Religion programme and learn about the different celebrations in the church year. We will be performing class assemblies throughout the school year. 



11th Oct 2024
The boys and girls are having great fun learning their sounds. 
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