Access Keys:

Glendermott Primary School, Derry

Year 2

Welcome to Primary 2

Our Teacher this year is Mrs McGuigan.

Our teaching assistants are Gemma, Sarah, Nikita, Una and Joanne/Gillian.  

We always have a fun year in P2 filled with fun activities to help us learn. We enjoy play and activity based learning and we play lots of games to help us with our work.

In Primary 2 we will be learning about lots of new and exciting things across the curriculum. Watch this space!

Our School Day

            9:00- School Starts/Registration

            9.15- 9.30 Phonics

            9.30-10.15- Literacy Activities

            10:15 -10:30 - Snack

            10.30-10.45- Breaktime

            10.50-11.40- Maths

            11.45- 12:30- Lunch

            12.30- 1.30 - Play Based Learning

            1.15-2.00- WAU/PDMU/Religion/Library/ICT

            2pm    P2  Home time /Busy Bees Club

            2.45   Bus



Tuesday and Friday is PE in School

Library - Thursday

Friday – Golden Time


  • Homework and games are returned on a Thursday.
  • Reading books and key words should be brought to school each day.


Literacy We are following the Linguistic Phonics Programme and complete daily phonics lessons, we also complete Reading and Writing tasks and we are extremely excited to see what writing we are able to produce in Primary 2 through a range of different genres.

Numeracy We will be learning lots about Processes in Maths, Number, Data Handling, Measures and Shape and Space. We especially enjoy completing our numeracy tasks in an interactive way using our ipads, white boards, and activities during Play and Activity Based Learning.

World Around Us Here are some of the exciting topics we can look forward to studying this year…These thrilling topics will mean there will be lots to keep us busy and lots of cross curricular links to enjoy.

  • Me and My Family
  • Toys
  • Cold Lands
  • Fairytales
  • Under the Sea

Personal Development and Mutual Understanding We all love PDMU because we get to explore our personal and emotional development, health and safety, relationships with others, and how we can all work together for the good of our community. We are able to discuss all our hopes and fears in a safe environment during Circle Time and we can also have fun in doing so! Please bring the appropriate P.E. kit.

The Arts In Primary 2 we are exposed to lots of wonderful opportunities to be creative. We especially love participating in a variety of music, dance and art activities that we are able to complete through our cross curricular topics.

Religion We will be following the Grow in Love Religion programme and learn about the different celebrations in the church year. Fr Farren will also visit us throughout the year and we love performing class assemblies.



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