Year 6
Welcome to Year 6.
Primary 6 is an exciting and fun year, full of lots of opportunities to experience, learn and develop a range of skills and concepts across the curriculum. As the oldest children in school they are now expected to take more responsibility for getting themselves organised for class and be more independent as learners; using and developing the skills they've been taught in previous years.
Literacy: By P.6 most pupils are already independent readers. All children are expected to read on a nightly basis as part of their homework and will benefit greatly from being encouraged to read and discuss books with a parent or carer.
The Accelerated Reading initiative is a computerized programme that tests reading comprehension. Pupils select books on their reading level, read independently, and take a comprehension test on the computer. Each book is worth a certain number of points based on its length and reading level. Students get a percentage of these points based on how many of the test questions they get right. The programme tracks their progress over the course of the school year. Our library is well stocked with books for A.R.
Numeracy: Throughout P.6 we will be learning lots about the five main areas of Numeracy and Mathematics which include - Processes in Mathematics, Number, Data Handling, Measures and Shape and Space.
In P.6, children will be learning appropriate number facts and times tables up to 12x12. These need a lot of practice at home until the child is secure in his or her knowledge and recall of the relevant number facts and tables.
World Around Us: This year we will be studying the following topics:
- Ireland
- The Vikings
- Eat, Taste, Grow
- I.C.T: P.6 will get the opportunity to participate in a variety of ICT based learning activities. They will gain experience of using laptops, digital cameras and virtual learning environments such as Learning NI. They will utilise the Interactive Whiteboard in their learning experiences across various aspects of the curriculum. We will be making animations, videos, digital photos and ebooks. This is a great new way to showcase our learning.
- Music: Music/tin whistle classes every Thursday with Mr Cutliffe.
- P.E: We have P.E. on Mondays, Gaelic football coaching on Wednesdays and swimming at the Foyle Arena on Thursdays. Please bring the appropriate P.E. kit on these days.
- Personal Development and Mutual Understanding: We thoroughly enjoy learning about all aspects of PDMU because we get the opportunity to explore our personal and emotional development. Through circle time and weekly lessons we learn all about health and safety, relationships with others, and how we can work together for our own good and the good of our community.
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Glendermott Primary School & Nusery Unit, 50 Ardmore Rd, Derry Northern Ireland BT47 3QZ
Phone: 028 7134 9489